Below is a list of schools and associations available within the engraving community. Scroll through to find a school that offers the "genre" of engraving you are interested in.
There is also a list of books that are helpful to the engraver, whatever stage of their journey as well as links to tools and their various companies.
Schools and Associations
Gabriel Owen
Jewelry institute of America
1035 Dairy Ashford RD, Ste 370
Houston TX 77079
website: JewelryInstitute.org
email: info@jewelryinstitute.org
More information and Class schedule- click here
Ray Cover
121 Garden Lane
Arcadia, MO 63621
website - learningtoengrave.com
email: cover@sbcglobal.net
More information and Class schedule- click here.
Wes Griffin
Crash Course Engraving -Texas Engraving School
Brookshire, TX
website: crashcourseengraving.com
email: wes@griffcustommetalsmiths.com
More information and Class Schedule - click here
Tokyo-to Tokyo 2-18-24-1F Hiratsuka, Shinagawa-ku
Sinichi Art Studio
More information and Class Schedule - click here
Utrecht, The Netherlands
website - www.juratools.com/training
email - info@juratools.com
WhatsApp - +31(0)624394354
More information and Class Schedule - click here
New Approach School for Jewellers
8242 Malachi Lane
Arrington, Tennessee 37014
website - newapproachschool.com
email - info@newapproachschool.com
More information and Class Schedule - click here
GRS Training Centre
900 Overlander Rd
Emporia, KS 66801
website - www.grs.com/grs-training-center/
More information and Class Schedule - click here
Hand Engravers Association (HEA) - UK ( International membership also available)
The Hand Engravers Association is the UK based group for Hand Engraving. Membership is low cost to students, with professionals appearing on their website directory. This association runs a number of in-person courses including seal engraving and online beginner engraving lessons. They also have exhibitions across the UK to which work can be submitted and arranged tours of historic British engraving locations. Membership gets you early booking and member discounts on their courses.
Firearms Engravers Guild of America (FEGA) - USA (International Membership also available)
The Firearms Engravers Guild of America is the USA based group for Hand Engraving. Membership is low cost, with professionals appearing on their website directory. They also publish a quarterly full colour magazine 'Engraver' included in membership.
Books and Other Resources
Drawing and Understanding Scroll Designs - Ron Smith
Advanced Drawing of Scrolls - Ron Smith
Art & Design Fundamentals - Lee Griffiths
The Jewelry Engravers Manual - R. Allen Hardy & John J. Bowman
The Art of Engraving - James B. Meek
Art, Alphabets, Monograms & Lettering - J.M. Bergling
Modern Letter Engraving - Rees
Ornate Scrollwork & Ornamental Design - Sam Alfano
The Technical Pen - Gary Simmons
Decorative Flower and Leaf Designs - Richard Hofman
Florid Victorian Ornament - Karl Klimsch
Learning Ornamental Art Acanthus - Tri Lee @tri.shiba
Ornamental Borders, Scrolls and Cartouches - Syracuse Ornamental Company
Fantastic Ornament - Michel Lienard
Lincisione delle Armi Sportive - Mario Abbiatico
Firmo & Francesca Fracassi Master Engravers - Stephen Lamboy & Elena Micheli-Lamboy
How to prepare a liner graver - Jeremiah Watt