Mentoring and Learning
Passing on the knowledge and skill to the next generation

All members new to engraving will start in the Beginners Engraving Program.
In order to move up to Professional, the engraver will be judged on their ability to...
Create engraving layouts that adhere to universal artistic ideals. Form, line, Balance, Rhythm etc.
Have an understanding of basic metal working techniques. Filing, Sanding, Polishing etc.
Create engraved pieces that are devoid of obvious mechanical errors.
Photograph your engraving in a marketable manner.
Rank promotion is initiated by the Beginners Engraving Program leader and judged by the Professional leader and approved by the Club President

At this level the member should know all of the skills to make a living as an engraver. New members can be judged into this level at enrolment if their ability is deemed appropriate by Professional leader and the Club President.
In order to move up to Advanced, the engraver will be judged on their ability to..
Create advanced design layouts in multiple styles.
Utilise multiple engraving styles. Relief, Intaglio, English, American etc.
Create work that includes advanced techniques including Inlay, Bulino, Sculpting etc.
Create print quality photographs of your work
Ability and desire to teach these techniques to raise the level of the club
Rank promotion is initiated by the Professional Engraving Program leader and judged by the Advanced leader. Sent for vote by the Club President voted on by members

At this level the member should be making work that is beyond reproach. New members can be judged into this level at enrolment if their ability is deemed appropriate by Advanced Program leader and the club president
In order to maintain the Advanced Engraving Program status, the engraver will show...
Desire to continue learning and improving as an artist.
Ability to maintain the highest standards for their work and personal conduct.
Continued engagement with the club. Teaching, Volunteering, Attending Conferences, etc.
Demotion or expulsion is possible for members not living up to the standards of the club. These actions will be initiated by club officers and voted on by club members.